Jian Wang (王健)

Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Computing,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China

Email: jian51.wang (at) polyu.edu.hk   or
               jwanglvy (at) gmail.com

Github   |   Google Scholar   |   Twitter

Hi there! I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at PolyU NLP Group. I obtained my PhD degree from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, supervised by Prof. Maggie Wenjie Li. During the spring and summer of 2024, I visited the SLED Lab at University of Michigan, where I was so honored to work with Prof. Joyce Chai.

Prior to that, I received my MSc and BEng degrees from the School of Computer Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology. During my graduate studies, I was fortunate to be co-advised by Prof. Min Yang at SIAT, Chinese Academy of Sciences.


[Feb. 2025] 🔥 Thrilled to be awarded the PolyU Postdoc Matching Fund.

[Oct. 2024] 🔥 Will be working as a Postdoc at PolyU NLP Group.

[Sep. 2024] 🔥 Defended my PhD thesis. Huge thanks to my supervisor and committee members!

[May 2024]   Got one paper accepted by ACL 2024! Welcome to have a chat in Bangkok.

[Dec. 2023]   Will be visiting the SLED Lab at University of Michigan, starting from Feb. 2024. Very excited!

[Oct. 2023]   Got two papers accepted by EMNLP 2023! Will be heading to Singpore in December.

[Jul. 2023]   Will be heading to Toronto for ACL 2023. The first time to attend an in-person academic conference during my PhD and to visit abroad during my life!

[May 2023]   Got two papers accepted as Findings of ACL 2023!

[Apr. 2023]   Passed the confirmation of registration at PolyU. Officially became a PhD candidate!


My recent research interests mainly involve the following directions:

I am actively seeking highly motivated PhD/master/undergraduate students for collaborative research, including but not limited to the above topics. Please feel free to reach out to me if you are interested.

Selected Publications

(see full list in Google Scholar) (*: Equal contribution; : Corresponding author)


2021 - 2024 (PhD period)

2018 - 2021 (Before PhD)


Honors and Awards

Professional Activities

Academic Services

Teaching Assistant

Open-Source Projects

Useful Resources
